Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Access control

In our apartment complex, among what we have, we have a 'sort of security' which looks good at a first glance but when one goes deep down into it its just a show piece. The security is very amateurist, a sort of 'melepas batuk di tangga' (translated as 'just pretending to be concerned') as the Malay saying goes. The security is at the apartment buildings gate but not many people really care about them, especially the young people in their cars and motorcycles coming in and out of the complex at night, sometime into the wee hours of the morning.

What the Kuantan Le' Town apartment buildings need is a proper security/access set up, just like the one I see near my house in Kuala Lumpur.

They have a proper 'up and down bar gate' with proper sign boarding.

Gate opens whenever anyone comes in or goes out of the complex, using an automatic card control system: the yellow post just outside the gate - near bottom right. (But I doubt if my Kuantan Apartments complex can afford the card control system).

And proper uniform guards guarding the gate. Preferably from a private security Co.

Looking at the photograph, the guard seems old, probably a pensioner, but at least with uniform like that they get respect from those trying to gain entry into the apartment buildings, and added with that card control gate making not many people wanting to unnecessarily go in or out of the complex.

I doubt if ever the Le' Town Apartment Management will ever implement such security/access system (if ever they understand what security/access system means) though people living in the apartments have been paying and will be paying their maintenance fees of RM150.00 (USD 1.00 = RM 3.30) a month religiously.

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